If you’ve never needed an oral surgery performed before, then you might be a little curious about what procedures Moore oral surgeons Dr. Perry Brooks and Dr. Seth Brooks perform on a regular basis. We understand! Many local residents have no experience with oral surgery until they have a dental disease or injury that necessitates they have a surgery performed.
To help familiarize you with our field of practice and the most typical surgeries our doctors perform, here’s a list of 5 conditions that oral surgeons treat.
- Wisdom Teeth Removal
One of the most common oral surgeries that oral surgeons Dr. Perry Brooks and Dr. Seth Brooks provide Moore patients is wisdom teeth removal. In fact, it’s likely that most people in our community will have this oral surgery performed by the time they hit the end of their 20’s.
Wisdom teeth removal is important not only because the wisdom teeth cause patients undue pain, but they offer modern man little, if any, benefits. That’s because wisdom teeth are designed by our bodies to “make up” for teeth that ancient men lost in their adolescence due to illness, injury, and the simple lack of modern dental care back in the day. Today, dental patients are fortunate enough to have the option of replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant.
- Sinus Lifts
For some Moore dental implants patients, a sinus lift can be an important oral surgery to occur before implants are placed in the upper jaw. This is because some people have naturally low sinuses, which must be surgically lifted so the titanium rod of a dental implant won’t enter the sinus cavities.
- Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is another pre-surgery that some dental implants patients needs. If you’ve been missing teeth for a long period of time, it’s likely that the lack of jawbone stimulation from your natural tooth root has caused your jawbone to shrink. Your practitioner can help you “regrow” jawbone tissue via a bone grafting surgery so it can hold dental implants properly.
- Dental Implants
At our practice, Dr. Perry Brooks and Dr. Seth Brooks perform dental implants surgeries all the time! This is one of the most rewarding surgeries our oral surgeons perform because it not only restores tooth functionality but gives them back their smile, too.
- Corrective Jaw Surgery
A final surgery that our doctors perform for Moore patients is corrective jaw surgery. This procedure may be necessitated if you have issues with your bite, TMJ pain, a protruding jaw, difficulty breathing, or problems speaking due to twisted, overlapping, or crooked teeth.
Call Us if You Don’t See the Oral Surgery You Need Listed Here
If you’ve been told by your local dentist you need an oral surgery, but you don’t see your specific procedure listed here in this blog post, call our practice. It’s likely we do perform it, but it just didn’t make our “top 5” list of procedures. Our oral surgeons can be reached by calling (405) 329-3500.